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PASTA - com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.enums.KitchenIngredient
Pasta kitchen ingredient.
PastaCasserole - Class in com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe
The type Pasta casserole.
PastaCasserole() - Constructor for class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.PastaCasserole
Instantiates a new Pasta casserole.
PathPoint - Class in com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding
The type Path point.
PathPoint(float, float) - Constructor for class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding.PathPoint
Instantiates a new Path point.
PathResult - Class in com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding
The type Path result.
PathResult(Vector) - Constructor for class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding.PathResult
Instantiates a new Path result.
PathResult(Vector, List<PathPoint>) - Constructor for class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding.PathResult
Instantiates a new Path result.
Player - Class in com.apogames.kitchenchef.ai.player
The type Player.
Player(KitchenPlayer, Cooking) - Constructor for class com.apogames.kitchenchef.ai.player.Player
Instantiates a new Player.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.BreadSnack
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.CafeChilli
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.CafeGreen
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.CafeLatte
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.CafeMokka
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.CafeNormal
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.ChickenSalad
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.Gingerbread
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.Mika
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.MurghPalak
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.PastaCasserole
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.Quiche
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.SaladDeluxe
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.StudentPasta
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.ToastTasty
The constant POINTS.
POINTS - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.WinterWonder
The constant POINTS.
POINTS_EXIT_CUSTOMER - Static variable in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.ai.AIConstants
Minus Points you get, when a customer leaves
PUT_DOWN - com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.enums.Order
Put down order.
putCookingDown() - Static method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.ai.action.Action
Der Spieler soll seinen aktuellen Teller auf den Boden stellen
Der Befehl funktioniert nur, wenn der Teller nicht in eine Wand gestellt werden soll
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